HASHAB PREBIOTIC - 100% Pure Gum Arabic Powder - E414 Acacia Senegal Fiber
Sale Price: $8.50 Original Price: $11.99

This product is a Superfood and has been scientifically tested, examined and is derived from Gum Arabic that is harvested and produced from Acacia Senegal using patented technology. Our patented technology is used to produce pure 100% natural, organic and safe Gum Arabic without grinding, heating or extracting in order to preserve the natural properties and components of the product.

This product contains more than 85% Prebiotic Fibers(poly and oligosaccharides) that are easily fermented by good bacteria. This product has many minerals and amino acids. It increases the total number and concentration of beneficial bacteria in your gut. It has both a "bifidogenic" and "lactobacillogenic" effect.


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